What Is Liability Insurance?

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Insurance, by definition, is a contract where the insurer, for consideration (premium) agrees to indemnify another against a contingent or unknown risk of loss. It is used as a method to spread losses among many people who are insured with the same company. The insurer, by its policy, promises, in exchange for a premium, to pay to defend and indemnify the insured, in the event that a certain type of loss occurs within a specified period of time called the “policy period.” By spreading the risk of loss among many, each individual only pays a minuscule portion of the risk of loss insured against.

Liability insurance is limited to insurance against the risk of losses that can be incurred by a person for damages done to the person or property of another by an accidental or fortuitous cause.

In exchange for the promise to pay the premium charged, the insurance company agrees to provide the insured protection from various risks faced by an owner, developer, or builder of real property.