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One thing you should always consider whenever some great disaster happens is who benefits from it?

Well, in the case of these ongoing urban riots, quite a few groups benefit. BLM and other black supremacists and separatist groups benefit from having their message amplified on social media and the news networks. The democratic establishment benefits to a lesser degree, having positioned themselves as the champions of “oppressed peoples” (whatever that means anymore), despite largely being the cause of much of their suffering through excessive taxation and decadent welfare programs. The police benefit, given the spiking disapproval of these so called “protests” and “demonstrations” that will almost assuredly lead more funding to stem the spread of the unrest. Militia groups benefit from the recent rise in memberships, as do gun manufactures from the massive sales. Foreign advisories benefit from the weakened social cohesion and perceived weakness of American government. And, yes, I would say that, to a certain degree, that white supremacist groups would also benefit from the public associating black people with the destruction – makes them much less distasteful in people’s private opinions.

If I were some skinhead – likely a known skinhead to the FBI – the last thing I would want to do go down to these riots and try to exacerbate the situation. Why would I want to risk getting caught and possibly absolving the real rioters in the eyes of the public when the news starts reporting that things only escalated because of my involvement? I would sit on my hands. Let things play out and shitpost about it on every site that I could and watch more and more of the politically unaffiliated agree with me. Am I overestimating the foresight of the average skinhead? Probably, I can’t really say. That’s all conjecture on my part.

But here’s another thing; stories like this one only started popping up once favorability toward the riots saw a drop so steep it was practically vertical. Not to mention, if white supremacists groups were involved in stoking these riots from the onset, you’d think that would make the perfect headline form the beginning. In fact, it could have saved lives and billions in damages. If word was going around that antifa and BLM were secretly white supremacists, how many NEETs and tankies do you think would have decided to show up and take part? I’m guessing only the ones without internet – which is basically zero. But the riots were a big fat juicy story to cover. The media may be dead set on lying to everyone, but even they won’t tell a lie that means they won’t be able to afford those kitchen renovations or that new car.

So no, it is completely asinine to suggest that something akin to the Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood was behind these Richmond riots or any other in the past two months. Riots invite opportunists from all walks of life, and from all corners of the world. So it’s all the more essential to take a good hard look at who’s running the show in these cities as well as who’s trying to at the moment. Something tells me you’ll find more Marx than Hitler on their bookshelves.

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