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This seems like one of a slim-few issues that I’d think the democrats would have the hardest time fucking up. But shows what I know, apparently. I would have never guessed that my expectations of them were still too high. I’m impressed.

But in all seriousness, why would they vote down this proposal to make weed a campaign issue? Shit, I feel like that might have been their one saving grace to help draw people back after they decided to go full-on commie block. But I guess even the most dedicated antifa shit-heel wouldn’t want to stand in a state-run weed-line for 5 hours.

I’m not a pot guy, personally. Can’t stand the smell. But I don’t care if someone else is. Hell, I don’t particularly care if someone wants to inject heroine straight into their nuts. People ought to be as free to use their money, time, and lives as they want so long as they aren’t hurting anyone else in the process. The drug war’s been such a limp, fruitless waste of all three of those things that you’d think it was started to be more of a detriment than a boon to public health. Hell, the cartels in Mexico and elsewhere wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t America’s asinine approach to drugs. Bet you they even pay lawmakers to keep the drug war going, it’s been very profitable for them, after all. But hey, why should some stupid Karen have to sit her kids down with her Yes Man husband and explain the dangers of drugs – particularly on developing bodies – when they can just whinge and bitch to their congressmen to make them illegal? Remember the Streisand Effect? That applies to illicit materials too, by the way.

But more to the point, I guess marijuana isn’t as controversial as it was even just a few years ago. Dispensaries and bong shops are about as commonplace as tattoo parlors now and I think republicans have come around to the idea that being massive butt-hurt hard-asses about it isn’t going to do them any favors. Not to mention that weed could potentially be seen as a neutral mediator to calm tensions rather than a fist to twist the knife, not exactly the left’s mission statement at the moment. If it bleeds it leads, so weed’s not their need.

If Trump even makes an offhand comment about re-scheduling weed or anything else during his campaign I’m going to laugh myself silly. It would be a huge opportunity to garner more libertarian support and steal away more of Biden’s unsure voters. He may as well, the issue’s been announced as not a part of the official platform on the left. Didn’t Trump let a bunch of smalltime drug offenders out of jail already too? Such wild time’s we’re living in.

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